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Copernicus |
As human beings separated themselves from one another
and creation, their bodies grew denser and they lost their ability to see what
was happening on other planes of reality. When they lost their citizenship in
Paradise it was like walking out of the sunlight into a thick fog that obscures
everything from sight. The difference is that the “fog” is the material world,
which looks solid and well-defined.
But there are so many dimensions of life besides the one that remains visible
to the human eye. Mystics, scientists, and storytellers are among those who
have been intrigued by these invisible realms, but scientists tend to promote
the notion that anything that can’t be observed to be real, does not exist.
The world’s mystics, such as the Sufis, have felt that
science is to blame for humanity’s ignorance of reality’s multiple layers: Thus
the Sufi’s metaphorical and poetic references to sleeping scientists. In sleep,
the dreamer is aware only of the subconscious realm as he travels through it,
remembering his waking life solely upon leaving the dream. In waking life, most
people are aware only of the world they can see, touch, hear, and taste. It’s
an ongoing challenge for Love’s emissaries to find ways to awaken them. While
many people respond more readily to music, art, and literary symbolism, there
are others who can be reached via scientific discovery. The gentle nudges of angels have led scientists
to conceive of the earth’s spherical shape, the rotation of the earth around
the sun, and the existence of microscopic life.
The earliest earth dwellers knew only what they observed
about the world around them. They believed that the earth was flat or dome
shaped because that’s how it appeared to them. They observed the sun traveling
over the domed sky from morning until night, and then the moon and the stars
made their way across the heavens, proving to their satisfaction that the earth
was the center of the universe. The author of the Book of Joshua wrote that the
sun stood still in the heavens while the Israelites conquered their enemy, the
Amorites. The sun had appeared to stand still, and so it was
described that way. Three thousand years later, in the early 1500’s, the
astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus,
formulated the first heliocentric cosmology much to the dismay of the church
fathers, who based their understanding of the universe on that one Bible
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Heliocentric Universe |
A century later,
the Italian astronomer, Galileo Galilei, was sentenced to spend the final ten
years of his life under house arrest because his work supported Copernicus’s
theory. The quarantine didn’t prevent
him from gazing at the heavens through the telescope that had revealed to him
the individual stars making up the Milky Way, the spots on the sun that proved
its rotation, and the moons that revolved around the planet Jupiter. These
discoveries horrified the church fathers who concluded that Satan had put these
images in the lens of Galileo’s telescope.
The Bible muses
rolled their eyes and sighed: “Why must humans interpret everything so literally?”
One of the
Hebrew Scripture muses remarked to a New Testament muse: “The angels of art and
music have such an easy job compared to ours! Words are simply not adequate for
expressing the truth, especially when you consider the differences in languages
between cultures and time periods.”
“I love to work
with words though” said the first muse.
“If only more people understood the symbolism of words the way poets do.”
Sometimes it is
a scientist who understands the symbolism behind words better than the theologians
of the day. Isaac Newton, a physicist and astronomer who was born the year that
Galileo died, devoted a great deal of time studying the Bible and searching for
hidden meanings. Newton did not think
that a literal translation led to ultimate Truth, and he believed that to
worship Jesus as God was idolatrous. His
guiding angels whispered the truth into his ear: that Jesus had actually said,
“I and the Father agree as one.” Yes, Jesus had known and lived according to
divine will, so his whole life was a demonstration of his words: “God’s will be
done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
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Isaac Newton |
Newton spent more time studying the Bible and seeking
spiritual truth than he spent on scientific research. His religious convictions
and his astronomical observations supported each other, and he warned
scientists not to use his discovery of the law of gravity to support any claims
that the universe is merely a machine. Newton wrote:
Newton’s passion for spiritual knowledge made him
especially receptive to angelic guidance, and so with the assistance of the
star angels, he built the first reflecting telescope which uses a mirror rather
than lenses to bend light and magnify images. Not only did this telescope
assist astronomers in their cosmic searches; it helped to prove his hypothesis
about the true nature of white light.
While other people had already observed that a prism
produced a rainbow of colors from a beam of white light, Newton was the first
scientist to explain how and why this occurred. He theorized that when white
light entered a transparent medium, such as glass or water, the different
frequencies of the primary colors would move at different speeds through the
medium. His experiments with prisms proved his theory, and so the mystery of
the rainbow was revealed to have a natural explanation. Many Bible believers
were disgruntled about the way a scientific study destroyed their concept of
the miraculous rainbow, but the angels cheered this discovery. As one angel
said to another: “Now people will begin to see that the miracles of Creation can
be explained by natural laws. Someday they will realize that all the miracles
performed by Jesus and the saints can be duplicated by people who understand
their true place within the natural order of the universe – in which nothing
seemingly miraculous is supernatural.”
Newton’s work also supported the heliocentric theories
of Copernicus and Galileo. In 1757 Pope Benedict XIV suspended the ban on
heliocentric works based on Newton's revelations. In 1822, nearly 300 years
after Copernicus published his heliocentric model, Pope Pius VII finally
approved a decree by the Sacred Congregation of the Inquisition to allow the
printing of heliocentric books in Rome.
This proclamation encouraged the
angels who now saw glimmers of hope that humanity would awaken to the reality
that there is more to the universe than the naked eye can see. Man had proved
that all of the colors of the rainbow are hidden within a beam of white light.
He had proved that the earth and all of the heavenly bodies of the solar system
move concentrically around the sun, even though the human eye belies this fact.
What other mysteries might be revealed with the assistance of Love’s divine
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